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See my notes about Ordinateur et conscience collective.

Conscience de la voiture autonome

Programming souls, conscience

To knwo where one is, when one is
has meaning only referring to a space. The better known this space, the better I know "where" I am.
Geography, geolocalization.
Affordances on this place. Dangers. Gradients. Resources.
A web site with permanent webcams.

Conscience applications.
Azios : living, relational
- Security/management of places
- a way of generating interesting "random", unpredictable
- camera + mirror. Detecting oneself in the image
- perceive the public attitudes towards oneself

Azios motors. Azios method
My four motors
Platforms and languages. Python, Processing.
Characters. Mood. Identity. : specific aspects : "body" (appearance), behaviours, knowledge. Possibly : genealogy. Clonable or not.
Space structure, time structure
The world around. Lanscape, rooms. Time, furniture style.
The body. Posers. Skin.

Magnenat Thalman

Memory. Algorithms. The knowledge base. Dictionary. Assets

Could we have emotions up back going to the central processor ?
diversity of cards in Damasio model
Damasio OK with Dawkins.
def. p. 157
Note that Damasio is rather strongly materialist : the brain constructs the mind
and also teleonomic
It would imply that the beings have an interest in becoming conscious
Relate that to creativity
GPU nearer to Damasio's model than CPU
what about the quantic
Self representation : System values : time, performance alert, battery level, temperature, anti-virus state

Conscience as "mise en abîme" ? Recursion in the brain ? Certainly not the full solution.